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Radio Controlled Toys

Radio control toys have come a long way since the big clunky things I had as a kid. Now we have tiny little airplanes and cars, and big off-roadable trucks and tanks. Blimps full of helium fly around using three individually controlled fans, and all of these toys can be equiped with tiny television cameras and transmitters.

Radio Controlled Toys
The Aero Ace: an amazing tiny airplane.
Fly them around the house. Fly them ouside on a calm day. Modify them to have lights for night flying, landing gear, swappable batteries. The body is a sturdy foam that resists being battered against walls or trees.

Blimps and Flying Saucers.
Fill them with helium and they will fly for days before you need to top them up a bit. Gang them together to lift a television camera and transmitter. Have slalom races through doorways. Chase the cat. Great fun!


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