Ingredients --
Red #40
Chemical Formula:
FD&C Red #40: Allura red
Allura red.
6-hydroxy-5-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenylazo)-2-naphtalenesulfonic acid sodium salt.
Red dye.
Related dyes are FD&C Yellow #6:
FD&C Yellow #6
the food color Scarlet GN, FD&C Red #4:
FD&C Red #4: Scarlet GN
the food color tartrazine, or FD&C Yellow #5:
FD&C Yellow #5: Tartrazine
Red 40 is used in many products, such as orange soda, as a coloring
Yellow #5 and #6 are widely used in candies and drug coatings.
Orange B is used in hotdog and sausage casings.
Some people are sensitive to yellow #5, and their reactions to it
are severe enough that prescription medicines that contain it must
be labeled specially. None of the other certified dyes have this
special requirement.
Chemistry Lesson
The dyes on this group are known as
azo dyes, because they
have the two nitrogen atoms together in the center
(called an
azo group).
These dyes were originally manufactured from coal tar, but are now
mostly made from petroleum.
Azo dyes come in many colors besides those allowed in food (listed above).
The other colors find use in fabrics, paper products, and plastics.
orange B:
By Simon Quellen Field