Ingredients --
Chemical Formula:
Glycerol trilinoleate
Yellowish clear oil.
Trilinolein is a
polyunsaturated fat.
This type of fat has been linked to a number of beneficial effects
in the cardiovascular system, and is an anti-oxidant.
Trilinolein is found in seed oils such as safflower seed oil and
linseed oil.
The double bonds which make this an unsaturated fat prevent the
molecule from bending, and lower the melting point to make this a
liquid oil rather than a solid fat.
Polyunsaturated fats can combine easily with oxygen at the points
where there is a double bond between two carbon atoms. This is
why they make a good anti-oxidant (they
combine with the oxygen free radicals so they don't damage other
molecules). It is also how oils harden, and is thus important to
painters. Oil paints made with linseed oil are almost three quarters
trilinolein. They dry to form a tough plastic film that incorporates
the pigments and hold them onto the surface to be painted.