Toys I Bought for Myself


The Sole F83 Treadmill


This treadmill has everything I ever wanted for jogging on rainy days.

It has a big 3 horsepower motor, so it is quiet and will stand up to long continuous duty. It has a heart rate monitor both in the handles for walking, and in a remote that you can wear on your chest for running.

It tilts up with the push of a button to give you inclines up to 15 percent to really give a strenuous workout. The computer has heart rate programs that vary the incline and the speed automatically to keep a given heart rate constant, and many other programs to make the workout more interesting.

It tilts up to make it easy to store or vacuum around.

It has built-in fans, a cup holder, a place to put your book or magazine, and convenient controls on the arms as well as on the console.

It is quiet enough that you don't have to raise the TV volume while you use it.

Sole F83